Wednesday, March 16, 2011

So this song is getting quite popular (UPDATE)

Okay, this song is really terrible to begin with but the most annoying part is her voice and when she goes on to tell us that yesterday was thursday and tomorrow is saturday and sunday comes afterwards, we know the days of the week thank you.. The repetition of "FRIDAY" just makes me cringe. It sounds like her well off parents paid for some half ass song and studio time to keep their spoiled daughter happy.

Don't get me started on that terrible rapper in the middle of the song, who the hell is that guy? He honestly did not help that song at all. The only reason that this song is growing in popularity has to be one of those phenomenons such as a car crash, you just cant help but look.

Either way, I know I'm going to hear more of this song in the near future, like at every house party on a friday,    it'l grow on me, kinda like a tumor.


  1. Maybe throw some commentary up with the hilariously bad music?

  2. I couldn't watch all of this. I tried, but couldn't.
